How to restore them without stress or a blood bath
Replay Available Register Below to Access
One of the most difficult procedures in all of dentistry is restoring the sub-gingival margin, and Dr Lincoln Harris wants to help you make it easier.
In this free masterclass, Dr Harris breaks down the sub-gingival procedure to show you:
- How to Identify a difficult case
- When to schedule the right amount to keep your stress levels under control
- The appropriate use of anaesthetics and anxiolytics
- How to prep with purpose
- Techniques to control tissue
- How to recognise when to surrender
The master class is Free
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About the Speaker:
Dr Lincoln Harris
Dr Lincoln Harris is a figurehead in the global dental community, venerated for his vast clinical and business knowledge.
He is an in-demand teacher who has presented at international and domestic events for more than two decades. Dr Harris is the CEO of RipeGlobal, and maintains a thriving private practice.
In this 1-hour master class, Dr Lincoln Harris is going to show you how to:
- Avoid running late
- Control bleeding
- Get seamless margins with composite resin where you can't place a matrix
- Take a perfect impression
- To choose the right preparation type that is preferred for deep margin fillings
After watching this 1-hour master class you will:
- Sleep well at night knowing you can approach your next case with the knowledge and understanding of how to manage this complex issue.
- Massively decrease your stress before and during the procedure
- Schedule this type of procedure to ensure you have enough time
- Decrease your stress
- Be happier to work with
What this means for your patients:
- Patients keep their teeth longer
- Patients have more confidence in you when your work doesn't fail repeatably
- Patients are happier when you don't run late
- Happier patients, who have a greater sense of wholeness