Start delivering better patient outcomes with our restorative fellowship.
The Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry is a 2-year course that utilizes hands-on training, lectures and case guidance to efficiently increase skills, confidence and ROI.
The course includes:
- Single tooth prep to full mouth rehabilitations
- Hands-on simulation training
- Case guidance, mentorship and community support
Download the Fellowship In Restorative Dentistry Overview Brochure today.
About The Fellowship
The Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry will transform your career as you engage in live cloud-based simulations and benefit from ongoing mentorship, all without geographical limits. Upskill in all aspects of dentistry, including single tooth, quadrant dentistry, veneers, and full mouth rehabilitations.
Increased Production
Up to a 3x increase in average gross per hour production.*
Increased Case Acceptance
Up to a 2.5x increase in average treatment plan acceptance.*
Increased Value
Up to a 4x increase in treatment plan value.*

Have a question about the fellowship? Our team is here to help.
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Elevate your dentistry
We know our courses work. If you fully commit, complete all program requirements, and meet required standards, you can expect to:*
- Deliver exceptional, efficient composite quadrants with tight contacts and no sensitivity.
- Elevate your esthetic dentistry with beautiful anterior composites that seamlessly blend in.
- Craft more exquisite layered composite veneers using advanced techniques.
- Expand your practice and expertise in full mouth ceramic rehabilitation.
Key learning outcomes:
Quickly build a quadrant of composites, manage deep-margin cases without fear.
- Confidently plan and carry out indirect restorations using multiple materials.
- Diagnose and plan simple and complex restorative cases to achieve ideal aesthetic outcomes.
- Demonstrate highly developed photographic skills for planning, documenting, and communicating aesthetic dentistry with patients and laboratories.
Key performance outcomes:
Skillfully handle and execute more complex restorative treatments, broadening your service offerings to help you meet a broader range of patient needs.
Experience a surge in revenue as you can offer a broader range of services, and see those earnings increase as you continue to grow your skills case by case.
Retain and manage cases that previously would have been referred to specialists well-suited to be treated within your dental practice.
Course Outline Overview
See below some of the topics covered in our lectures:
- occlusion
- vertical preps
- indirect restorations
- matrixing
- anterior composites
- designing and planning
- composite veneers
- porcelain veneers
- root canal therapy
- bridges
- tissue control
- + more
This course has eight hands-on sessions that will have you utilize your simulation kit to replicate a procedure on the manikin. You’ll receive live feedback from an educator in these sessions.
For more information on the hands-on simulation sessions, please download the brochure.
Mentorship is an integral part of your learning process, which is why we have our educators give case guidance. Every six weeks, an educator will provide feedback on cases submitted through a live session. This enables you to learn and improve your quality of work at a faster rate.
From the moment you start, you will have 24/7 access to a tight-knit community of like-minded dentists, including peers and educators. Here, you can ask questions, discuss issues, receive and give advice, etc. You’ll get a range of educators and current and past peers of all levels responding and uplifting you.
Download the Fellowship In Restorative Dentistry Overview Brochure today.

Dr Fauzia Khan
FRD Student, America
Practise, Repeat, Retain
The experience of doing the hands on course from my office has been one of the biggest benefits. Not only am I more relaxed because I'm in a known setting and I can do as much or as little preparation before the course to get myself ready and then when I'm there I get to do the course work that's asked of me but then I understand and I have the setup that I can replicate that time and time again.

Dr Stefanie Hirt
FRD Student, Switzerland
Be Inspired
I got inspired directly by Lincoln. I got really interested because I’ve never wanted to go back to school, and this was the perfect option to do clinically relevant and practice-oriented learning.

Dr Jaclyn Toh
FRD Student, Singapore
Return On Investment
I would say FRD is like therapy because for many of us, we feel comfortable talking about technical/clinical aspects with other colleagues but the psychological aspects feel taboo to talk about/you work in a culture where it is frowned upon/you will be taken advantage of by others for admitting to your faults and insecurities.

Dr Jason Retter
FRD Student, Canada
Work is just more fun!
On the clinical side I've essentially changed everything, from premolar to molar. Crowns preps, cores, my ops were always my Achilles heel. Now I'm proud of them and rarely get stressed. Never worried about flash or contacts. I love taking photos. I think it emphasises quality and care to the patients.

Revolutionary teaching methods
Most dentists suffer from stress and anxiety at some point of their career. That's because dental education does not provide enough repetition to build your muscle-memory.

Trusted by students, globally
The Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry is a fantastic way to reignite your passion for dentistry and connect with like-minded peers from around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
The next Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry intake closes March 31st 2025, currently open for enrolment and includes:
- Welcome Presentations
- Platform Onboarding
- Pre-Theory Challenge Assessment
- Simulation Training
- And more!
Time commitment varies for the Fellowship for different aspects but we typically see:
- Average Per Week: 3-4 hours
- Simulation Trainings: 7 hours each
We offer a variety of payment options including:
- In Full
- 50/50 Split (6 months apart)
- Monthly
- Financing through Credabl
*Pricing varies by location.
For course pricing, talk to us today.
When you enroll in the Fellowship, you will receive:
- A full Simulation Kit for your cloud-delivered hands-on experience.
- Weekly touch points and mentorship from the lead instructors.
- 24/7 support from the Customer Success Team.
- Case guidance, and a community of fellow dentists
This course uses a series of lectures curated by world-class dentists in restorative dentistry so you can maximize your learning and get the most out of your hands-on sessions.
Posterior and Anterior Lectures cover:
- occlusion
- vertical preps
- indirect restorations
- matrixing
- anterior composites
- + more
Veneers, Cosmetic, and Rehabilitation Lectures cover:
- designing and planning
- composite veneers
- porcelain veneers
- root canal therapy
- bridges
- tissue control
- + more
Upcoming Course Intake

March 2025 Intake
Start your path to career success now. If you’re ready to learn the ins and outs of Restorative Dentistry, we’re ready to support your efforts with hands-on learning and mentoring from dental professionals around the world.

Additional Intake
Don't see a date that works for you? Sign up today to be the first to know when our next enrollment period opens.
* Following the successful completion of all programs in a discipline, dentists can anticipate the above increases. These indicative values are from median results based on previous RipeGlobal Fellowship graduates. Your results will vary depending on your commitment to the programs.
** RipeGlobal stands behind this promise and will offer a refund of tuition (excluding enrollment fees, equipment rental, consumables, shipping costs and transaction fees) for any program where we do not meet our promise. A refund is only considered when the learner has completed all work, without exception, and any additional extension work or practice asked of them by us.
*** Refer here for program commitment and completion requirements that are to be upheld to claim on our promise.