

From Naughty to Noteworthy:

Exemplifying Professional Standards

with Dr. Leonora Langstaff

Dr. Leonora explores the issues that befall dentists, including mitigating patient complaints and correct documentation. Get a better understanding of contemporaneous notes so you can:

improve communication with patients regarding risks

document risks better

improve your informed consent processes

This Masterclass was shown live in May 2024, the replay is now available with a RipeGlobal account

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Featured Presenter

Dr. Leonora Langstaff

Dr. Leonora grew up in Oxford, England. She studied a Bachelors degree in Human Anatomy at the University of Bristol before completing her Dentistry degree there. After spending a year working in the UK, Leonora moved to Australia and has since worked in private practice, primarily in Victoria, before recently moving to warmer climates in Queensland. Whilst in Australia, Leonora has completed multiple CPD courses with Ripe Global. She is currently completing the Fellowship of Restorative Dentistry, during which she became passionate about mentoring and teaching. 
She is a general dentist with an interest in comprehensive restorative dentistry and multidisciplinary treatment planning for an aging population.
