
Dr Lincoln Harris

General Dentist

Australia 🇦🇺 

Dr. Lincoln Harris is globally recognised for his multi-disciplinary treatments and his ability to teach this to dentists ranging from beginners to experts. He is an in-demand dental speaker who has presented at conferences around the world for over two decades.

His passion for dentistry was sparked when he went to a dentist and was impressed by the new technology (fissure sealants) that he was treated with at the time.  After graduating in 1998, he went on to found his practice with the simple goal that his patients could get work of the same quality they might in a big capital like London or New York. However, he soon found that his patients wouldn’t drive 4 hours to see a specialist and his journey into learning multi-disciplinary dentistry began.

Dr Harris has run his own private practice for nearly a quarter of a century now, and in this time he has been given keen insight into the dental industry’s challenges and stressors. This lead to him co-founding RipeGlobal, a dental education platform designed to fast track careers and businesses with his brother Cam Harris in 2020.

Since 2020, Dr Harris has worked hard to grow RipeGlobal while still serving his community as a sought-after dentist. Between his private practice and RipeGlobal, he manages over 80 staff, all committed to better dentistry.