
What to look out for when restoring implants: fundamentals and risk assessment 

with Dr. Alice Whang


Join Dr. Alice Whang as she shares her extensive understanding of implant restoration fundaments, from simple to multiple units so you can improve your chances of clinical success. Learn how to identify potential complexities and pitfalls when restoring implants through case discussions.


By the end of this webinar, you will understand:

  • The fundamentals to restoring implants
  • What to look out for when you are starting out
  • How to approach single implant posterior, anterior and full arch

Location: Anywhere there is internet

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Meet Your Host

Dr Alice Whang

"When I started restoring implants, a lot of clinicians and technicians said restoring implants is the easiest procedure in dentistry. I can relate to this to some extent. The subtle nuances such as immobility, implant position, emergence profile, angulation and cleanability can make implant restorations tricky. I wanted to write a lecture to help clinicians identify complexities and improve their chances of clinical success."

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